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Lab 3



-iname is an option find files case insensitively.

This option is useful as it saves time; case insensitivity means that the script writer doesn’t need to manually check for different upper/lower case combinations.

Example 1: $ find -iname "*CHAPTER*.txt" returns


Here, if we wanted to find all of the “chapters” we have downloaded but we don’t know if all of them are in the same case formatting, we can use -iname over separately checking upper and lower case values.

Example 2: $ find -iname "*testimony*.txt returns


Similar to the first example, because we don’t know the case formatting of the testimonies before we actually surf through the folder, we can save hassle by ignoring case sensitivity.

Example 3: $ find ./government -iname "*secret*.txt" returns

(nothing is returned)

Let’s say for example you want to look for files in government that has “secret” in the file name case insensitively. Well, now you can.


  • In these examples, I have changed ./911report/chapter-1.txt recently in the /technical folder.

This option is useful for finding recent changes for version control; it may also help isolate certain files that cause problems due to recent changes.

Example 1: $ find -cmin -5 returns


This command allows us to find any files I have changed within 5 minutes, which allows us to isolate recent changes for reasons such as version control.

Example 2: $ find -cmin +5 returns


(Note that ./911report itself is not listed since a file was changed recently). This command gives us all files/subdirectories untouched within 5 minutes, and is useful for version control as well.

Example 3:

  • For this example, let’s say Jerry was working on fixing typo in chapter 3 but isn’t sure whether he saved his work or not.

$ find ./911report/chapter-3.txt -cmin -5 returns


This tells us that Jerry has in fact, forgotten to save his work, but at least he didn’t need to manually check the text!


This option is helpful as it returns exact paths of the input string; its main use is just for navigation.

Example 1: $ find -path "*chapter*.txt" returns


Here, we can see all of the .txt files in /technical with “chapter” in the name, specifically in lower case. By using the asterisk, *, in the beginning, we expand the search to all subdirectories.

Example 2: $ find -path "./*/*/*.txt" returns


Here, we can see text files hidden behind 2 subdirectories.

Example 3: $ find -path "./government/*" -prune returns


This input gives us all of the subdirectories in ./government. -prune is an option that allows you to isolate directories, which means a lot less output when you just want to see which areas you can explore in a directory without stuff like the contents of example 2.